
Showing posts with the label epoxy flooring

Commercial Kitchen Flooring Requirements: 5 Things To Check

  Choosing the right  commercial kitchen flooring  is essential to keeping your facility clean and sanitary. You want to make sure that it's easy to maintain, durable, and slip-resistant. If you want to see if your flooring is right, considering remodeling your work kitchen or just want to keep in the know of the important aspects of your job. Here are the commercial kitchen flooring requirements: 5 things to check. Non-Porous Choosing the best non-porous commercial kitchen flooring requires some knowledge and research. These floors must be durable enough to withstand wear and tear and must be easily cleaned. In addition, they must meet health code requirements and legal regulations. Fortunately, the RX Food safe Flooring System meets HACCP International standards. Typical commercial kitchens are busy and require flooring that can withstand heavy foot traffic. This can include dropping heavy pans and pouring hot water on the floor. In addition, the equipment in these kitchens produ

5 Benefits of Commercial Flooring for the Transportation Industry

  Getting  commercial flooring  for your transportation business can be very beneficial, not just for its aesthetic appeal, but also for its durability and safety.  Here are five reasons why you should look into getting a new flooring system for your business: DURABILITY Whether you are installing commercial flooring for a manufacturing facility, an airport, or a hospital, durability is a must. Durable flooring will withstand years of wear and tear. It will also meet safety regulations and maintain its appearance.  If you are looking for a durable flooring system, you should look into epoxy flooring. This type of flooring is highly resistant to chemicals and corrosion. It is also safe and easy to clean.  Another option is rubber flooring. Rubber is bacteria-resistant and sound-absorbing. It is also slip-resistant.  Terrazzo is a great flooring option for high-traffic areas. However, it can be expensive. Especially in small sections of a building, terrazzo may not be worth the cost.  Ti

What Is Cementitious Urethane?

Cementitious urethane is often referred to as urethane concrete or urethane flooring . To put it simply, it is a kind of land; and it also makes it one of the best covers on the market today for many reasons. What Is Cementitious Urethane Made Out of? Cementitious urethane is urethane made from Florida cement, water, cane and other recycled materials. This product was originally designed for the food industry to manage the daily washing and heating elements of the installation. Let's look at traditional epoxy flooring systems for comparison. Epoxy flooring FL resin mixes two liquids together to create a reaction. This reaction hardens the soil and creates a beautiful coating known as epoxy. Cementitious urethane, on the other hand, uses two liquids mixed with ordinary cement, known as Florida cement, to create a hard surface. Which Type of Setting is Cementitious Urethane Used? Urethane cement is designed for use on floors in food and beverage processing areas due to its hi

Best Places to Install an Epoxy Flooring System

Epoxy flooring systems are extremely durable and can be used in many different places. They are easy to maintain and have a high resistance to impact, chemicals, and machinery. They are ideal for basements, garages, and commercial settings. If you want an attractive floor, you can install a decorative epoxy system. Epoxy flooring is usually applied to concrete or steel, but it is also available for wood. It is important to get a free quote before making a commitment to a contractor. This will help you get a feel for whether you feel comfortable working with them. Also, make a list of questions and concerns. A good contractor should be able to answer all of your questions and give you a walk through of the process. They should also be able to help you decide on a design that works best for your space. Another common place to install an epoxy flooring system is in a school’s cafeteria. School cafeterias receive a lot of abuse, so they need a floor that’s easy to clean and is resistant t

How to Clean Your Concrete Floor after Grinding

  When you think of home improvement, your first preference goes for home flooring and its finish . If you are planning to renovate the flooring of your house, you should choose the best quality flooring for your living space . For instance, the latest trend is epoxy coating and concrete coating for residential properties . In the United States, many people prefer installing both kinds of flooring in their villas, apartments, and luxury houses . If you are unable to bear the cost of epoxy coating which is quite expensive than concrete, you may go for the second option . No worries, you can apply epoxy coating on the concrete floor and do grind it well for a good finish. Also read about, What are the Benefits of Concrete Resurfacing?   It is necessary to do proper grinding of concrete flooring in the house to improve its look and remove existing flaws . For this aim, you can go for the best concrete polishing that will be a good idea to grind concrete flooring well. The process of

What are the Benefits of Concrete Resurfacing?

  If your concrete surface has started looking old or has gone through a lot of wear and tear over the years then looking for fresh  concrete resurfacing   is an obvious choice. It hardly matters if the concrete surface which has seen some good time and has now faded with obvious cracks and debris on the surface- is present in the outer part of your house or indoors, it will certainly impact the overall aesthetic of the house. People often start getting irritated and wish to quickly find an alternative for it. People might think of redoing the surface from the start or might think to pour a concrete mix over the old surface. Also read about,   What Is the Best Solution for Commercial Kitchen Flooring? Sealwell Industrial Floor Experts  provide great solutions for  concrete polishing  and often suggest that redoing the whole surface by starting from scratch is not the greatest idea but not bad either. Though, the second option of pouring the concrete mix over the surface is often define

Misconceptions About Epoxy Floor Coating

Epoxy has grown as one of the most preferred flooring as well as artwork material in the last few years. Current trendy construction is seeing a lot more use of epoxy flooring due to its wonderful resistant qualities, strength, and trendy looks. The easy maintenance of the epoxy floor and its incredible durability is some of the reason people simply prefer to go with the material. But in recent times there have been a lot of misconceptions about epoxy. People who hear about these misconceptions would think twice before opting for epoxy. No one wishes to have material that creates any sort of trouble in near future once used. Also read about, Why You Should Choose a Resin Floor Let us go through some of those wild misconceptions in the market which make people rethink their option of choosing epoxy: 1. Paint Can Protect As Well As Epoxy There is a big misconception brewing in the market these days that paint can be a great alternative to epoxy to protect the surface. Let’s make this

Floor Coatings for Breweries, Wineries & Distilleries

The breweries, distilleries, and wineries have to follow certain sanitary standards which are USDA compliant. But these working places often suffer with frequent stains and spills every day. The manufacturing unit generally requires very easy-to-clean surfaces which are also pretty durable. These  brewery flooring  also faces a lot of footfall as well as the movement of heavy machinery which requires the floors to be super tough along with maintaining hygiene all day. Also read about,   What to Do When Your Industrial Concrete Floors Crack The flooring in a winery or distillery needs to be attractive to create positive vibes for the employees and should be tough enough to sustain any sort of acid chemicals which are often used in such units for different purposes. What to Consider For Winery and Brewery Flooring There are a few important things to consider for winery and  brewery flooring . It is important that the flooring of the facility should be slip resistant to protect the worker